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Green Values, Religion and Secularism – Moving beyond the enlightenment division between science and religion

1 Jul 2017

By Sat 1 Jul 2017July 6th, 2020Events, GREEN VALUES

This event is now over

You can READ our report here:
READ edited extracts from conference papers, with an introduction
by Nuala Ahern here:
READ an article by Sylvia Thompson about the Conference, and
in particular the contribution by Andreas Weber,
which appeared in The Irish Times on Saturday 29 July 2017 here,
SEE our photos of the event here.

Event Details


Green European Foundation, with the support of Green Foundation Ireland and in partnership with the Irish School of Ecumenics at Trinity College Dublin, present a one-day conference.

SATURDAY 1 JULY 2017   –   09:30 to 17:00
Venue: Irish School of Ecumenics, TCD, Dublin 2.

Book Here


While admission is FREE to this event, registration is REQUIRED.
Please secure your place by booking here – early booking is advised.


The Irish School of Ecumenics is situated in the main Trinity Campus, beside the Department of Zoology. Here is a map to help you locate it.

As the Irish School of Ecumenics is near the Pearse Station end of the Trinity Campus, public transport is the best option as car parking on Trinity Campus is strictly forbidden, except for staff with permits. The location is close to the DART at Pearse Station and to bus routes that go via Pearse Street and Westland Row.

The easiest car parking is on either Merrion Square West or Fenian Street. There is also a car park at the Setanta Centre.

Event Programme


Mary Condren
Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies at Trinity College Dublin,
and Director of Woman Spirit Ireland.

Catherine Devitt
Environmental Justice Officer at the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice.
John Dillon
former Regius Professor of Greek at Trinity College Dublin, and Founder and Director Emeritus of the Plato Centre.
Jacob Erickson
Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics at Loyola Institute, Trinity College Dublin.
John Feehan
Geologist, Botanist and Environmental Philosopher.
Erica Meijers
Theologian and Co-Editor of Green Values, Religion and Secularism.
Cathriona Russell
Assistant Professor in Theology at Trinity College Dublin.
Andreas Weber
Biologist and Cultural Change Expert.

As always at our events, an important part will be the Q&A sessions which will allow full participation by those attending.

Our PROGRAMME OF EVENTS (last updated on 9 Jun 2017) is available here.

Further updates on this event will appear on this page.

With thanks to the European Parliament for financial provision to GEF which supports this event.


Following the successful implementation of the project Green Values, Religion and Secularism over the past two years, and the publication of a book under the same name, our Conference will address themes which arose from the seminars held during the past year to promote the book. The debate will build on themes which emerged during the project activities over the past two years.

“Green Values,
Religion and Secularism”

Edited by:
(Green Foundation Ireland)
(Bureau de Helling)

You can read more about the book, which is also available for downloading, here.

In an era of trending populism, our Conference intends to remind a wide audience of both academia and Green activists of the values underpinning European democracy and civil society, and to engage in a dialogue with a wide public on Green viewpoints on how these values can be practised in the world today.

The Green critique of modernity approaches a religious critique of humanism, understood as humans being the measure of all things. Green values are also critical of the idea of the isolated individual as the basis of social and economic life. What are the core values which inspire ecological and social activism?