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Moynalty Goes Wild
Oct 2016 – Video

By Thu 1 Dec 2016February 10th, 2021Audio & Video

Green Foundation Ireland held Moynalty’s first weekend Sustainability Festival, MOYNALTY GOES WILD, which took place over the weekend of 21 to 23 October 2016. Below you can see the videos of our Saturday event on the theme of “Farming, Wildlife and Renewal Energy” in the Moynalty Steam Threshing Museum.

We would like to thank Emer Cooney of Science Media for producing and editing the videos for us. Science Media uses video as an engaging way to communicate science to the wider public. It was established in 2013 by Emer Cooney, an Irish biologist and videographer, who is particularly focused on improving awareness around environmental issues and on bridging the gap between scientists and the public.