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Coral Reef Time Machine:
Using past reefs to determine their future

5 Jul 2023

By Thu 1 Jun 2023July 24th, 2024Events

This event is now over

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VIEW our video of the event here.

Event Details


Green Foundation Ireland invites you to participate in an evening online talk:

Using past reefs to determine their future

WEDNESDAY 5 JULY 2023 – 19:00 to 20:00 (Irish time)

by Zoom
(log-on details will be issued nearer the time to those who register)

Book Here

Event Programme


MIKE HYNES is currently an Early Stage Researcher with 4D-REEF (EU Horizon 2020/Marie Sklodowska-Curie) and a PhD Candidate at the Universitiet van Amsterdam. Originally from Canada, he received a BSc in Geology in 2012 from the University of Calgary, followed by an MSc in Palaeobiology in 2019 from the University of Bristol.

Though his background is Palaeontology-based, Mike also worked for 3 years at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama on past and present reefs of the Caribbean, learning how they have changed over timescales from years to millennia. The same techniques now form the basis of his current research in the Indo-Pacific region, an area of very high coral diversity.

As always at our events, an important part will be the
Q&A session which will allow full participation by those attending.


While admission is FREE to this event, registration is NECESSARY as places are strictly limited. Please secure your place by booking here.


Coral Reefs are home to over 25% of all ocean diversity. However, they are increasingly facing pressures from overfishing, climate change, sea level rise, and more environmental factors.

To better understand how reefs might fare in the coming century, we look to understand how reefs have coped with ever changing environments over the last few thousand years.