During 2015, the Climate Gathering worked with Christian Aid, Ibec, Irish Congress of Trade Unions, The Environmental Pillar and Trócaire to stage a series of five conversations, lectures and debates with the theme “Bringing People Together for a New Understanding on Climate Change”. Please click here to see the programme of the various sessions, as well as live webcasts which were produced at the time.
You can now download a copy of the Climate Conversations ‘graphic harvest’ in PDF format here. The document provides a rich highlighting of the insights that emerged over the course of the series.
The Climate Gathering originated as a project known as the “Western World Convention”. In January 2012 Green Foundation Ireland began working with a group of Irish experts in climate policy, mediation and problem-solving to assess whether Ireland could be used as a gathering place for a new interdisciplinary network of leaders addressing the climate challenge. The project is an initiative of Green Foundation Ireland.