(updated on 14 November 2012)
10:20am Welcome and Introduction
Nuala Ahern / Chair, Green Foundation Ireland
Marina Barbalata / Project Manager, Green European Foundation
10:30am Tailors’ Hall – Where Revolutions Were Planned
John Ducie / An Taisce
10:50am Intelligible Governance in Europe
As 21st century globalisation challenges national ‘sovereignty’ in the modern nation state, is closer integration in Europe more compelling? Do citizens feel connected to the EU in a practical and meaningful way? Is a European “Republic” possible?
Panel Presentation, followed by questions and discussion.
Chaired by: Prof John Barry / Queen’s University Belfast
Jill Evans / MEP, Plaid Cymru
Vinay Gupta / UCL Institute for Security and Resilience Studies
Benoit Lechat / Editor-in-chief, Green European Journal
Prof Elizabeth Meehan PhD / Political Scientist, Queen’s University Belfast
Eamon Ryan / Leader, Irish Green Party
12:50pm Lunch
2:15pm Resolving the Crisis in Europe
Is there a future for proper Economic Governance in the EU? Will France and Germany agree to fiscal oversight of their national budgets? Has the failure of the EU to resolve the crisis in the Eurozone led people to rely on national solutions?
Panel Discussion, followed by questions.
Chaired by: John Gormley / former Green Party Minister for the Environment
Nuala Ahern / Chair, Green Foundation Ireland
Nicola Liebert / Journalist with the German newspaper, Taz
Dr. Eckhard Lübkemeier / German Ambassador to Ireland
Dan O’Brien / Economics Editor, The Irish Times
Paul Sweeney / Chief Economist, Irish Congress of Trade Unions
3:30pm Questions and Discussion
4:15pm Conclusion