This event is now over
You can READ our report here:
SEE slides of the presentation by Féidhlim Harty here.
Event Details
Green Foundation Ireland and Community Resources Network Ireland invite you to participate in an afternoon online webinar:
WEDNESDAY 25 NOVEMBER 2020 – 15:30 to 17:00
by Zoom
(log-on details will be issued nearer the time to those who register)
As always at our events, an important part will be
the Q&A session which will allow full participation
by those attending.
While admission is FREE to this event, you MUST register beforehand as places are strictly limited.
Please secure your place by booking here.
Event Programme
FÉIDHLIM HARTY: “The Hidden Cost of Carbon: How taxpayer funding of fossil fuels leads to proliferation of plastic waste”
Féidhlim is director of FH Wetland Systems environmental consultancy in Ennis, Co. Clare specialising in constructed wetland, reed bed and zero discharge willow facility systems. He is the author of Get Rid of Your Bin and a new ebook just out from Permanent Publications called Septic Tank Options and Alternatives – Your Guide to Conventional, Natural and Eco-Friendly Methods and Technologies.
Abigail joined VOICE as the Lead on the EPA funded No Home For Plastic project. She has a background in research on sustainability themes, completing a masters in Environmental Economics and Policy at Imperial College London before working as Principal Investigator on research projects with Trinity College Dublin and the Clean Technology Centre Cork. She lives in Cork and can occasionally be seen strutting the stage.
GARRY FITZPATRICK: “Reusable Bottles as a Practical Alternative to Single Use Plastics”
Garry is Lead Project Co-Ordinator at Refill Ireland, which is a campaign to reduce plastic bottle waste by encouraging people to bring their own water bottles and refill on the go instead of buying bottled water. By finding and mapping public water fountains and also encouraging as many businesses as possible to sign up to the Refill campaign – to offer quibble-free tap water refills – Refill Ireland is building a movement to address the growing problem of single-use plastic.
CLAIRE DOWNEY: “Resources and How to Take Further Action”
Claire, who is a Director of Green Foundation Ireland, is Executive with Community Reuse Network Ireland (CRNI), an all-Ireland umbrella body funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that represents community based organisations involved in reuse and recycling. In this role she is responsible for the promotion of reuse, support for members to overcome barriers to reuse, communication and policy input, networking and research.

This webinar explores where plastics come from, how they end up in our lives and what we can do to use plastic wisely and prevent plastic waste.
Our Plastic Lives is being held as part of the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) which encourages all Europeans to carry out awareness-raising actions about sustainable resources and waste management during a single week in November. In 2020 this week runs from 21 to 29 November. You can find out more about EWWR at